about hint tracks
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This is a short description of RTP hint tracks that I created while I was working on L16 and Mpeg1/2 hint tracks.

Hint tracks are a series of instructions in a mp4 container file that tell a server how to transmit packets. Hint tracks always refer to another track, most likely an audio or video media track. 

This series of instructions tells the server when to send the packet, what type of RTP header to add, if there is any extra data in the packet, and how much data to send in the packet.  To save on space, a hint can contain a pointer to the media track, instead of duplicating that data.

It will also tell what SDP to add for the track that is referenced.

So, a file that is hinted should have a media track, and an associated hint track for that media track.  There are some mp4 container files that just have hint tracks - these are called "fat hints" and are usually not playable locally.  These are illegal in ISMA, so we won't talk about them.

To create hint tracks for a mp4 file is fairly simple with the mp4creator program.  Just execute the:

 mp4creator -hint=

For example:

[wmay@wmaytclinux2 content]$ mp4info xvid.mp4 mp4info version    Type    Info1    video    MPEG-4 Simple @ L3, 3.695 secs, 627 kbps, 608x256 @ 23.00 fps2    od    Object Descriptors3    scene    BIFS

I would execute the:

mp4creator -hint=1 xvid.mp4

and get:

[wmay@wmaytclinux2 content]$ mp4info xvid.mp4 mp4info version    Type    Info1    video    MPEG-4 Simple @ L3, 3.695 secs, 627 kbps, 608x256 @ 23.00 fps2    od    Object Descriptors3    scene    BIFS4    hint    Payload MP4V-ES for track 1


Now a bit about the internals of creating a hint track, for example, if you have your own codec and want to create a hint track for it.

The mp4v2 library has a complete set of functions that will allow you to create a hint track.


The first function is MP4AddHintTrack:

MP4TrackId MP4AddHintTrack(MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId refTrackId);

hFile is the file handle, refTrackId is the track ID that you want to add the hint for.  The return value is the hint track ID that you will use in the below functions.


The next step is to set the RTP Payload type for the track.  The following function does that:

bool MP4SetHintTrackRtpPayload(    MP4FileHandle hFile,    MP4TrackId hintTrackId,    const char* pPayloadName,    u_int8_t* pPayloadNumber,    u_int16_t maxPayloadSize DEFAULT(0),    const char *encode_params DEFAULT(NULL));

pPayloadName should be the payload type that will be shown in the a=rtpmap statment.

pPayloadNumber should most likely be MP4_SET_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD (which will indicate a dynamic payload number), unless you have a payload defined in rfc 1890.  The return value (it is a pointer) will be the dynamic value.

maxPayloadSize will be the RTP payload size.

encode params are basically the channel number in the rtp map, if needed.

This will create the "m=" "a=rtpmap:/[/]" along with some other SDP for the media.


Now, we need to add a series of RtpHint and RtpPacket calls for each sample in the media.  Most functions will call MP4ReadSample for each of the samples in the reference track (MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples).

MP4AddRtpHint or MP4AddRtpVideoHint is called each time the server should generate a new RTP Timestamp.

MP4AddRtpPacket is called for each RTP packet to be added.

When all information about the hint is called, MP4WriteRtpHint is called.

For example, if a video sample will span multiple packets, the calls might look like this:  

MP4AddRtpHint()   MP4AddRtpPacket()   ...   MP4AddRtpPacket()   ...   MP4AddRtpPacket()   ...   MP4WriteRtpHint()

Or if you've got sample based audio (not frame based), the calls might look like:  

MP4AddRtpHint()   MP4AddRtpPacket()   MP4WriteRtpHint()   MP4AddRtpHint()   MP4AddRtpPacket()   MP4WriteRtpHint()

Let's look at each call in detail:

bool MP4AddRtpHint( MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId hintTrackId);

is fairly simple.

bool MP4AddRtpPacket(MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId hintTrackId,             bool setMbit DEFAULT(false),                     int32_t transmitOffset DEFAULT(0));

is also pretty simple.  setMbit is to set the M bit in the RTP header.  transmitOffset is more of an advance topic - it's used to change the offset in the case of B frames - see the code in rfcisma.cpp for more information.

bool MP4WriteRtpHint(MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId hintTrackId,             MP4Duration duration, bool isSyncSample DEFAULT(true));

where duration is the number of ticks in the timescale of the hint track involved in this RtpHint, and isSyncSample would be TRUE for sync samples, like I frames.


But what about data for the packets, you ask ?  Well there are a couple of functions for that. bool

MP4AddRtpImmediateData(MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId hintTrackId,                    const u_int8_t* pBytes, u_int32_t numBytes);

can be used to add numBytes located at pBytes to the RTP packet.  This could be used for a codec specific RTP payload.

bool MP4AddRtpSampleData(MP4FileHandle hFile, MP4TrackId hintTrackId,                 MP4SampleId sampleId, u_int32_t dataOffset,                 u_int32_t dataLength);

is used to create a pointer to the reference track.  It creates a pointer to the sampleId given, at the dataOffset for dataLength bytes.

So, let's say we want to write a series of maxPayloadSize packets. We might do something like:   

MP4AddRtpHint();    offset = 0;   while (sampleSize > 0) {       size_to_write = MIN(maxPayloadSize, sampleSize);       // mbit is 0 except for last packet for timestamp       MP4AddRtpPacket(file, hintTrack, (size_to_write == SampleSize) ? 1 : 0);       MP4AddRtpSampleData(file, hintTrack, sampleId, offset,                            size_to_write);       offset += size_to_write;       sampleSize -= size_to_write;   }   MP4WriteRtpHint(file, hintTrack,, isSyncSample);

In the above, we may read into the sample to add immediate data.

Or if we want to pack several frames in a packet, we might do:

  sampleId = 1; // note 1 based sample id's   offset = 0;   while (sampleId <= MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(file, trackId)) {      if (offset == 0) {         MP4AddRtpHint();         MP4AddRtpPacket();      }      size_to_write = MP4GetSampleSize(file, sampleId);      if (size_to_write + offset < maxPayloadSize) {         MP4AddSampleData(file, hintTrack, sampleId, offset, size_to_write);         sampleId++;         offset += size_to_write;      } else {MP4WriteRtpHint(file, hintTrack, duration of added tracks);         offset = 0;      }   }

There are many variations on the above 2 examples.  See the files:

lib/mp4av/l16.cpp          mpeg3.cpp          rfcisma.cpp          rfc2250.cpp          rfc3119.cpp          rfc3016.cpp

For more information and more ideas.


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